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    Can Dogs Eat Soy?

    Can Dogs Eat Soy?


    Estimated Read Time: 4 ½ minutes

    Summary: Can dogs have soy? Learn whether dogs can eat soy, soy sauce or soy milk and whether soy is good for dogs in this blog…

    Soy is derived from the soybean (or soya bean) and is a species of legume. This legume originates in East Asia and is popular worldwide because it’s a source of protein that isn’t derived from an animal. Soy is used to make soy milk, soy vegetable oil and tofu, and fermented soy is used to make things like soy sauce and tempeh. Vegetarians and vegans, as well as meat eaters can and do enjoy soy products. 

    Soy also has nutritional benefits like its high mineral content, B vitamin load and the fact it’s a good source of fibre, potassium and contains a good concentration of essential acids; fatty, amino, folic and phytic. It’s also used frequently in affordable animal feeds… So, does that mean dogs can eat soy?

    half circular shapes of tofu (soy) lie at various angles on white surface next to some other particular cuts of spring onions

    Can Dogs Eat Soy?

    For the most part, yes. Dogs can eat soy but not in excessive, frequent amounts. It’s also worth noting that some dogs can be sensitive to soy, so may need to avoid dog foods that contain soy and having human soy products shared with them. 

    Signs of soy sensitivity in dogs can include:

    Some brands and people tout that soy being used in commercial dog food is a cheap replacement from meat, and that it’s totally inadequate when compared to animal-derived protein… But, that isn’t the case. Yes, some animal proteins are easier for a dog to digest but on the flip side there are some animal proteins that aren’t as good for a dog as soy is either. The protein quality is still respectable in soy. 

    However, that said, it’s important to stress again that soy in high quantities or in certain products isn’t all that great for a dog…

    Can Dogs Eat Soy Sauce?

    Under no circumstances should a dog eat soy sauce - not because of the soy, but the fact that soy sauce is far too high in sodium (salt). Too much salt can make a dog unwell, so it’s important to avoid your dog ingesting soy sauce.

    Can Dogs Eat Tofu?

    While tofu (made from soy and also known as soybean curd) is technically not toxic for a dog, it’s not recommended that you allow your dog to eat too much tofu as it may put your dog at risk of bloat if they consume too much of it – and bloat can prove fatal for dogs. The occasional, tiny bite of unseasoned tofu won’t harm them though. 

    Can Dogs Eat Soybeans?

    Yes, dogs can eat soybeans as long as they’re plain and unseasoned, and only served to them in small portions. Soybeans aren’t toxic to a dog. The same goes for edamame beans (immature soybeans). However, too much of either may result in gastrointestinal discomfort for any dog, so they should be regarded as occasional treat food

    Can Dogs Have Soy Milk?

    Soy milk, in even moderate quantities, is not thought to be toxic to dogs and relatively easy for a dog’s body to digest. So, yes, dogs can have soy milk.

    If you’re after a comprehensive list of what foods are toxic to dogs, check out our guide below:

    a blue and white infographic detailing which foods are toxic to dogs


    “Soybean” Wikipedia

    Author Ollila, Erin “Can Dogs Eat Soy (And How Safe Is It?)” Hill’s Pet, Apr 30. 2021 ​​

    “Can My Dog Eat Soy?” Rover

    “Can Dogs Eat Soybeans?” Kidadl, Oct 24. 2021

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