Bringing Home A New Puppy: 7 Things To Remember
Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes
Summary: In this blog, learn the things you need to remember before bringing home a new puppy. Discover what to buy for a new puppy, how to prepare for their arrival and how to set them up for a happy life with you in your home.
So, soon you’re going to be bringing a new, fluffy family member into your home… Very exciting! Whether it will be a new puppy or an older rescue dog, you will need to get everything in order to make their arrival smooth, easy and comfortable. It can feel a little daunting, especially if this is your first dog, so it is vital that you get as much sorted before you bring your new fur-baby home as possible, so you have more time for hugs and walkies!
Here at PetLab Co., we have compiled a list of a few things that you will need to think about and prepare before bringing home a new puppy, including a couple of things you may have forgotten.
Knowing that everything is in order can help make the transition more relaxed and smoother. As anxious as you may feel, your new puppy or dog will feel more unsettled and scared, so the calmer you are, the easier your new pup will settle in…
Here's what to buy for a new puppy and how to prepare for their arrival!
What To Buy For A New Puppy
A Safe Place

When it comes to introducing a new puppy or dog to your home, you need to make sure that there is a comfortable, safe place for them to seek comfort in. Maybe that is finding a corner in the kitchen for their bed or making a nest for them in the living room, either way, supplying them with a safe space will be extremely beneficial.
You might find it easier to buy a crate and have it ready and waiting for the new arrival. Particularly during the first few settling in weeks, the crate can be a safe haven for your pup and a place for them to sleep in while they're still in training.
PetLab Co. Pro Tip: It can be a good idea to make sure your pup comes home with something that smells like their previous home. This will help smooth them during the first few nights while they adjust to their new surroundings and new family.
Correct Lead & Collar
It might be some time before you take your new pet for a walk, but make sure you have a lead and collar ready to go. If you’re welcoming a puppy to the family, they will grow incredibly quick so an adjustable lead and collar would be advisable. Get your pup used to wearing their collar around the house before your maiden voyage outdoors. This will mean there's less chance of them being irritated or distracted by the feel of something around their neck.
PetLab Co. Pro Tip: As your pup grows, it is important you make sure that the collar is the correct fit. You should be able to slide two fingers underneath the band whilst being tight enough to not slide straight off over their ears!
Healthy Food & Treats
When it comes to dog food, you should make a well-informed decision about what to feed your new pup, as giving them the best quality food can help your pup's development and growth. Whether you go for dry or wet food, freeze-dried or not, make sure you look into what is best; seek advice from other dog owners, pet shops and your vet.
Don’t forget, if you’re buying a new puppy, they will need to eat around three times a day! So make sure you stock up on your chosen food as it will go quick!
When it comes to treating, make sure your doggy's allowance is only 10% of their total food consumption per day or they might end up eating too much and gain unhealthy weight. A treat should never be bigger than the nail on your first finger!
Food & Water Bowls

Now, a bowl for food and water should be top of your list when bringing home a new puppy. A little tip – make sure you’re looking at a heavy-bottomed bowl, either metal or ceramic. The heavier the bowl, the harder it will be for your pup to knock the contents all over the floor!
Don’t get into bad habits while they’re young, either. Make sure you wash both the water and food bowls regularly. It is very easy to slip into the habit of leaving the bowls on the floor and filling them at dinner time, but this could lead to some serious health risks and sickness for your pet. Treat their food bowls as you would your own plates.
ID Tags
Want to know what to buy for a new puppy? ID tags!
It's wise to make sure that you have an ID tag ready for their collar before bringing home a new puppy. You need to put some important information on these tags so that if your pup was to escape and run away, there would be a way of someone to contact you to inform you that they have your dog. With dog thefts on the rise, it would be advisable for you to not put your pup's name on the tag. This helps reduce the likelihood of your pup responding to their captor if they are ever stolen. Pop your family name on the tag instead, your address and phone number, so that there are ways that good people can help.
Now, as important as it is to have an ID tag on the collar, it’s compulsory under UK law to microchip your dog [1]. This must be done before the dog is 8 weeks old, and you can be fined up to £500 if your dog is found to not be microchipped.
A collar can easily slip off your pooch’s neck or break off, so having a microchip will help reduce the chances of losing your new pup as any vet will be able to see that your dog belongs to you. It is simple, quick and painless, so make sure you ask your vet to get your pup microchipped as soon as possible.
Sometimes, when you’re buying from a breeder, they may have already chipped the pup before, so you will need to ask them to re-register your new puppy to you before bringing them home.
Lots Of Play & Chew Toys

All dogs love to have something to chew on… Especially a teething puppy! Having a toy ready and available for them to chew on will help save a lot of your clothes and household items. It is also known for dogs to chew when they’re feeling unsure and anxious, so making sure there is something for them to get their teeth around can be extremely helpful as they settle in.
Take some time and have a look at the many play and chew toys out there. Your new fur-baby will want to feel at home as soon as possible, so try and make sure you have a selection of balls, tug ropes, Frisbees (fabric ones to start whilst they teeth) and soft toys. These items will also come in handy when it comes to training!
PetLab Co. Pro Tip: Make sure the chew toys you give to a new puppy are tailored specifically to puppies: non-toxic, durable and not too tough on their teeth.
Have A Plan In Place
The key is patience when it comes to bringing home a new pup – both older and young dogs. There will be a period of uncertainty, with a subdued pup, but it won't last long. Before you know it, you’ll have an energetic pooch bouncing off the walls wanting to play all day and night. It all may get a little overwhelming at first, so it is important to have a training plan in place – along with a lot of patience and a good support system around you!
As your puppy develops, they will need to learn new things; sit, stay and where to go to the toilet, which will keep you and your pup mentally and physically stimulated. Without this training time, your new pup may find other ways to entertain themselves; chewing and scratching things they’re not meant to!
Bringing Home A New Puppy
Preparing for your new puppy can be such a mixture of emotions; excitement, nerves, anticipation! You just need to make sure that you’re as ready as possible for your new fur baby. Regardless of your new pooch’s age, preparation is key and making sure you’re confident in helping settle your puppy into your home.
"Get Your Dog Microchipped" UK Government https://www.gov.uk/get-your-dog-microchipped