Can Dogs Eat Beetroot?
Estimated Read Time: 3 ½ minutes
Summary: In this blog, we learn whether dogs can eat beetroot! We’ll discover whether dogs can eat beetroot in vinegar, beetroot that's been cooked or raw beetroot and if there are any benefits to sharing this bright purple vegetable with your dog…
Can Dogs Eat Beetroot?
Yes, dogs can eat beetroot! But, only in moderation. Beetroot isn't toxic to dogs, but should only be shared with your pooch as an occasional snack or in addition to their main meal and alongside a healthy routine of regular exercise.
However, beetroot also has high levels of sugar in it so may be worth avoiding with diabetic dogs or overweight pups as if they’re fed beetroot in excess, this could make their condition worse.
Beetroot is also fairly high in oxalates which can cause the risk of kidney stones to increase. If you’re a pet parent to a Yorkshire Terrier, Lhasa Apso or Miniature Schnauzer, be aware of this as these breeds are the most likely to develop kidney stones.
If you want to serve beetroot to your dog and are unsure if it’s a good idea, just ask your vet!

Is Beetroot Good For Dogs?
Beetroot is high in nutrients and therefore it can benefit a dog’s health! A beetroot’s nutritional load includes fibre, zinc, vitamins C, A, B6, folate, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron which can all benefit your dog’s overall health and wellbeing. Beetroot can help boost your dog’s immune system, help improve digestive functioning and promote the condition of their skin and coat.
When serving your dog beetroot, make sure you cut the pieces up into bite-size chunks to prevent the risk of choking your pup. And, keep your serving sizes small… A dog doesn’t need more than a few pieces of beetroot per day.
Dogs can eat beetroot raw or cooked, but cooking them even slightly will take the edge off how tough the vegetable can be to gnaw on. You could even mash them or puree them! Just make sure not to add any of your own seasonings to the beetroot you intend on serving to your dog, as these can make your dog unwell! So, always serve beetroot to a dog plain and unseasoned.
That all said, it’s also not advisable to feed your dog beetroot from a can, as canned vegetables can be high in sodium (salt) and other preservatives which aren’t good for a dog. A dog should not eat pickled beetroot or beetroot in vinegar.
Always thoroughly wash your beetroot before sharing it with your dog to be sure any pesticides used on them during their farming and growth have been cleaned away.
Most dogs really enjoy beetroot, but remember, every dog is different and some may show more interest in a piece of raw beetroot over cooked beetroot or vice versa. If your dog doesn’t seem to be that into beetroot, there are lots of alternative fruits and vegetables you can try that are safe for dogs like green beans, cucumber, cooked sweet potato and banana.
If you’re curious about further foods and beverages you shouldn’t give to your dog, check out our PetLab Co. guide below which lists all items that are known to be toxic to dogs so you know which foods to avoid allowing your dog to eat:
Author Sarah “Can Dogs Eat Beetroot?” Mad Paws, Jul 01. 2021 https://www.madpaws.com.au/blog/can-dogs-eat-beetroot/
“Can Dogs Eat Beets? Benefits Of Beets For Dogs” Raw Bistro, Mar 18. 2021 https://rawbistro.com/blogs/raw-bistro/can-dogs-eat-beets