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Summary: In this blog, we learn all about the different abdominal issues in dogs and the signs of an upset tummy or tummy ache that you should look out for…
Does My Dog Have Tummy Ache?
A dog tummy ache can be caused by so many things and thus create abdominal issues in dogs. Unfortunately, our doggies can’t communicate to us when they’re experiencing an upset tummy, so it’s important we as responsible pet parents know what to look for. And, if we spot any tell-tale signs that something’s up with their abdomen, it’s important we act with haste and get them properly assessed by their vet quickly, as some dog upset tummies can be caused by serious underlying problems…
What Are The Signs Of Dog Tummy Ache?
Dog tummy aches almost always occur as a symptom of another problem, so several signs of abdominal pain can present themselves at once. Things to look for include:
- Diarrhoea (may also be a bloody or mucus-covered stool)
- Vomiting
- Difficulty getting up from laying down
- Whimpering/Whining/Vocalisation
- Loss of appetite
- Lethargy
- Swollen/Tense/Hard abdomen
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Low mood
- Inability to get comfortable
- Abnormal breathing
- Constipation
- Flatulence
- Strange posture (They may hunch themselves or adopt a “downward-facing dog position” – forelimbs and chest on the floor, hind end raised)
- Reluctance to be touched/picked up
- Gastric Torsion/Bloating
In the case of bloating, it is essential you get your dog to a vet as a matter of emergency. Bloating occurs when air has become trapped in your dog’s stomach, and isn’t able to be relieved via farting or burping. If there’s enough air trapped, the stomach can end up twisting which can kill a dog as the stomach expansion can cause internal bleeding, stomach rupture, and put the body into shock – notably, this is more of a risk in dogs with deep chests.
Time is critical. Signs of bloating include anxious, agitated behaviour (attempting to be sick or pacing), difficulty breathing, dribbling and/or a distended (large) stomach.

What Are The Causes Of Dog Tummy Ache?
There are so many potential reasons why your dog may be experiencing an upset tummy. They can include:
- Trapped wind
- Parasitic infection (for example, worms)
- Stress/Anxiety
- A sudden change of food (changing a dog’s food brand/type should always be done gradually)
- Eating something they shouldn’t
- Parvovirus (more common in puppies)
- Food allergy
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Pancreatitis (Usually caused by a high-fat diet)
- Intestinal blockages
- Addison’s disease
- Kidney/Liver Problems
- Cancer
- A diabetes complication
- A urinary tract infection (UTI)
- A gastrointestinal/stomach ulcer
- Ischemia
And more! Because of the vast array of reasons your pup may be experiencing tummy ache, it is always wise to get the issue assessed by their vet and to obtain their professional advice and treatment.
However, if your dog just seems to have a sensitive stomach, there are things you can do to help and support their general digestive health.

How Can I Support My Dog With Tummy Ache?
Firstly, move your dog onto a bland diet like plain, lean chicken and rice. This is usually advised when a dog is experiencing a bout of diarrhoea or sickness, but many dog owners choose to adopt this blander diet for their dog every day – particularly if they seem to have a sensitive stomach generally. To make sure they’re getting the fibre they need, you can treat them with (or add to their bowl) pieces of cooked sweet potato and/or small pieces of carrot or cucumber.
Secondly, you should always make sure fresh, clean water in a sanitised bowl is available and accessible to them at all times so they can manage their hydration levels.
Thirdly, be mindful you’re not over-exercising your pooch or under-exercising them as this can stress out their stomach. If you’re unsure how much exercise your dog needs, check out our handy guide below, or consult with your vet.
Lastly, consider giving your pup a dog-specific probiotic supplement, sourced from a reputable, respected brand. Probiotics can boost the essential, good bacteria in your dog’s gut and not only help their digestive system work optimally and relieve abdominal issues they may be experiencing, but also can support their overall health and bring about good behaviour!
Always check with your vet regarding any abdominal issue and seek advice on any sign of a tummy ache. It’s essential for your dog’s wellbeing and happiness that you understand what the underlying cause of their discomfort is so you can help relieve them of it ASAP.
Author Stott, Darlene ” Painful Abdomen In Dogs” Wag Walking, Mar 03. 2021
“Digestive Issues in Dogs: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment” Bond Vet, Mar 14. 2021