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    What Vaccines Do Dogs Need?

    What Vaccines Do Dogs Need?


    Estimated Read Time: 6 ½ minutes 

    Summary: In this blog we learn all about dog vaccinations. We’ll find out which dog vaccinations are absolutely necessary, when dogs need their vaccinations, and how often dogs need vaccines. Welcome to the PetLab Co. Ultimate Vaccine Guide…


    What Is A Vaccine?

    When humans are babies they are administered (only with parental consent) shots that prevent them getting illnesses that can make them very sick. Some vaccines are given during pregnancy to give the baby immunity against conditions pre-birth (namely Whooping Cough). Vaccines are deemed as essential by medical professionals and scientists as some of these illnesses can be life-threatening to infants as their immune systems haven’t developed yet. The same goes for puppies and dogs.

    Vaccines work by giving your dog a very small amount of bacteria or virus; this is usually a modified or “dead” strain of the condition you’re protecting against which is completely harmless. By doing this, their immune system is exposed to the virus or the bacteria and then their immune system fights it off. Then, if they come into contact with these germs again later in life, their immune system will know what to do with it and not let the germs make them unwell.

    Getting your dog vaccinated not only protects your dog, but protects other dog’s they come into contact with as they reduce the likelihood of infection for all pup’s in the community. Dog vaccinations are part and parcel of being a responsible dog owner.

    a small black pug looks up from sitting on the ground, wearing a protective plastic cone around their head

    What Vaccines Do Dogs Need?

    Usually the vaccines considered as the “core dog vaccinations” include protection against:

    • Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
    • Canine Parvovirus (CPV)
    • Canine Leptospira
    • Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Ask your vet exactly what they’re being vaccinated against to be sure they’re covered with everything you want and think they may need. 

    There is also the option to vaccinate your dog against Canine Parainfluenza Virus (CPi), Canine Adenovirus (CAV), Canine Rabies (although this is currently eliminated in the UK) and Kennel Cough. These may be deemed necessary if your dog travels abroad with you a lot, is going to stay in kennels or attend doggy day care. Ask your vet about adding these into their vaccination schedules.

    How Often Do Dogs Need Vaccines?

    When your puppy is 6-8 weeks old, they can have their first lot of jabs. This consists of 2 or 3 injections administered 2 to 4 weeks apart. If you’ve purchased your pup from a good, ethical breeder, they may have already arranged the primary course of injections and you may just need to make sure they have their second batch. 

    Once these initial vaccinations have been given to your pup, they will need to return yearly to their vet for booster jabs. This will ensure their immunity is kept up. If you miss these yearly appointments, your dog is more at risk of developing serious illnesses and they may even need to restart their entire vaccination process dependent on which shot was lapsed. 

    Different vaccines last for different amounts of time, so your dog won’t be administered the same jab(s) every year. Your vet will keep a schedule of this so they know which to administer annually. This is why it’s so important as a pet parent, to make sure they attend their yearly vaccination appointments throughout their life. A yearly check up, regardless, is always advisable and you can usually have them given a good once over during the same appointment.

    a white woman in a red and blue patterned top affectionately hugs her black dog that has their mouth open

    Your dog doesn’t need to be particularly prepared for their vaccines; they’re administered very quickly and swiftly. But, any visit to the vet can be stressful for a pup so it may be worth packing their favourite toy, some treats to reward their attendance and their familiar smelling blanket to help them feel secure.

    Vaccine Reactions In Dogs

    Vaccinations are safe and a simple procedure. Side effects and reactions are incredibly rare, as vaccines go through rigorous trials and tests before they become licensed. 

    As with vaccinations in humans, your pup may feel a little under the weather for a couple of days after their shots whilst their immune system does its job and is recalibrated. 

    Your dog’s vaccinations are essential to ensure the health of all local pets as well as your pooch and household. 

    How Much Are Dog Vaccinations?

    According to Forbes UK, the average cost of initial puppy vaccinations should be around £60 for the first and second set. Additional shots (like Rabies, for example) can cost anywhere from £15-£60 dependent on your veterinarian’s surgery. Remember though, risking contracting these conditions that the vaccines protect your dog against will cost you far more to treat and can even cost the life of your dog. 

    Many veterinarians will offer health plans that make essential routine treatments more affordable. Some may even offer payment plans too. If you rescued your dog, their core vaccines are usually covered by the shelter or are significantly cheaper and are administered before you take your pup home with you. If you’re concerned about the cost of vaccinations, charities like the RSPCA and PDSA can help if you’re eligible for low-cost dog vaccines. 

    Your dog’s yearly booster injections will be much cheaper than the initial puppy vaccinations too (around £35-40). This will vary surgery to surgery though. 

    Pet insurers don’t tend to cover dog vaccinations, but most will only cover you if your dog is up to date on their injections. 


    "Vaccinations For Dogs" Vets4Pets

    "Dog Vaccination" Jan. 2017, NOAH

    "Dog Vaccinations And Booster Vaccinations" Medivet

    "Dog Vaccines" Sep. 2021 PDSA

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