Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

  Estimated Read Time:  2 ½ minutes  Summary: Can dogs eat watermelon? What about watermelon rind and seeds? In this blog, learn whether dogs can have watermelon and if it’s good for them…    Watermelon is an incredibly popular, refreshing fruit and drink garnish, particularly in the warmer months. But can our canines enjoy a slice or two too…?  […]

3 min read·Updated: Mar 06, 2025
Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?


Estimated Read Time:  2 ½ minutes 

Summary: Can dogs eat watermelon? What about watermelon rind and seeds? In this blog, learn whether dogs can have watermelon and if it’s good for them… 


Watermelon is an incredibly popular, refreshing fruit and drink garnish, particularly in the warmer months. But can our canines enjoy a slice or two too…? 

Can Dogs Have Watermelon?  

Yes, but only in seedless, rindless, small, chopped-up chunks. Diabetic dogs should not be offered watermelon or other fruits though, due to the high levels of natural sugar that occur in them.  

Is Watermelon Good For Dogs? 

Watermelon is rich in fibre, antioxidants, potassium and vitamins B6, A and C. It’s also hydrating at 92% water and relatively low in calories so it can certainly be considered a healthy treat to offer your dog.  

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind? 

No. A dog’s digestive system can’t break the rind down properly and can cause intestinal blockages. Always remove the rind and chop the watermelon flesh into small pieces before serving to your dog – this will also minimize the risk of choking. 

3 triangular slices of watermelon, with green rind and large, mature seeds lie spread out on light pink background.


Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Seeds? 

No. One or two mature seeds guzzled down by accident shouldn’t cause a problem but if too many are ingested, they may not pass properly through your dog’s digestive system. This can cause an intestinal blockage – particularly in smaller dog breeds. Seedless watermelon is always the best option for a dog. 

Frozen Watermelon For Dogs 

After you’ve removed the seeds and the rind from the watermelon and chopped it into bitesize chunks, consider freezing the pieces and offering them to your dog once they’re frozen. This can help cool them off and keep them hydrated on a hot day!  

It’s always worth remembering that any human food should only be given to a dog as an occasional treat and should only make up a maximum of 10% of your dog’s daily diet. This helps them avoid putting on too much weight or causing diabetes.  

Dogs And Watermelon

Too much watermelon can cause an upset stomach in doggos and induce looser stools. As with humans, all dogs will react differently to different foods so always be mindful of this when trying them on new foods, snacks, and treats regardless of whether they’re deemed safe. 

There are some foods you should absolutely avoid feeding your dog. Find an extensive list below of food known to be toxic to dogs that you should make sure your dog never consumes:  

a blue and white infographic detailing which foods are known to be toxic to dogs


Author Bovsun, Mara “Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?” American Kennel Club, May 22. 2021  

Author Guthrie, Lynn “Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Yes, But Lose The Seeds!” Prrs & Wags by Pumpkin, Feb 28. 2022  

Becca TriggB
Written by

Becca Trigg

Becca Trigg is a content creator and pet-industry writer, with over 5 years of experience at PetLab Co. She is an all round animal lover, with a keen interest in canine joint health, dental hygiene and nutrition. When she’s not typing away in the office, she can be found sitting in a country pub, growing chillies or cuddling up with her family dog Maggie, a chocolate Labrador.

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