Is Rosemary Safe For Dogs?
Estimated Read Time: 2 ½ minutes
Summary: “Can dogs eat rosemary?” In this blog, learn whether dogs can eat rosemary, including the essential oil and extract varieties, and if there are any benefits in rosemary for dogs...
A popular herb used over winter and around the holidays, particularly in traditional meals over Christmas, it may make pet parents wonder whether their dogs can consume rosemary safely...?
Is Rosemary Safe For Dogs?
Yes! In most forms, whether that be fresh, dried, steeped or tincture, rosemary can be consumed fairly safely in small quantities by a dog.
Rosemary is packed with antioxidants, so it arguably has health benefits too. Antioxidants possess the ability to neutralise free radicals in the body which can prevent cell damage.
Rosemary is also touted to be a natural antispasmodic which means it can prevent and reduce spasms, which may contribute positively to muscular and cardiac health.
It’s also hosts antimicrobial properties which makes it a popular natural dog food preservative due to its ability to prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria. However, this also means it can benefit oral, urinary and digestive health and help combat bad breath and stinky farts which we pet parents know can be an all too familiar problem in some of our furry friends!
Some dog owners also rinse their dogs in rosemary-infused water, as it’s thought that rosemary can repel insects, including fleas and ticks! Alternatively, you can dilute a drop or two of rosemary essential oil in fresh, clean water and spray it lightly on your dog’s bed or collar to repel fleas.
It’s also thought to potentially better memory and mood!
PetLab Co. Pro Tip: It’s worth noting here though, that rosemary shouldn’t be given to dogs with epilepsy or those that are pregnant.
Rosemary And Dogs
A teaspoon of diced-up dried or fresh rosemary sprinkled over your dog’s main meal is the easiest way of giving your dog this pretty nifty herb.
You can also buy it in essential oil/tincture form but this is usually a much higher concentration of rosemary and if used topically and directly, may irritate a dog’s skin. Always make sure you dilute the essential oil in water if using topically as an insect repellent, or only use a drop sparingly on their food.
“Can Dogs Eat Rosemary?” MasterClass, May 10. 2022
Author Taffer, Marissa “Is Rosemary Safe For My Dog? The Word On Herbs” Dog Eared by My Ollie, Jan 08. 2020