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    What Are Dogs Scared Of? The Most Dog Common Phobias

    What Are Dogs Scared Of? The Most Dog Common Phobias


    Estimated Read Time:  6 minutes

    Summary: In this blog, we’ll learn what dogs are scared of. We’ll discover why dogs get scared, what causes fear anxiety in dogs, and how to calm down a scared dog…


    For many of us, our dog’s fears are obvious: fireworks, thunder, the hoover and the reasons behind these fears are pretty clear too – they’re really loud and intimidating! 

    But, being fearful of certain things as a dog is more common than you may think. However, this only means there are some tried and tested ways that may help your scared dog out…

    Why Is My Dog Scared All Of A Sudden?

    Fear anxiety in dogs can be expressed in many ways. When a dog is scared they may:

    • Shake
    • Hide
    • Cower/Put their tail between their legs
    • Whine/Howl/Vocalise
    • Bark
    • Seem aggressive (fear reactivity)

    It’s important to remember that fear is a defence mechanism that can serve your dog in dangerous situations so we don’t want to eradicate the instinctive behaviour completely. But, if a particular fear is posing a threat to other household members or impacting your dog’s quality of life it’s definitely something we need to try and help them with. 

    Just like when people have phobias, some fear anxiety in dogs can go beyond rational like an intense fear of thunder or fireworks. Unfortunately, unlike humans, you can’t explain to a dog what thunder or a firework is and so can’t soothe them with the fact it’s temporary. Phobias are typically the result of previous experiences and in humans, these experiences have usually been repeated a few times. In dogs, just one bad experience is enough to instil a phobia.

    Most dog phobias will develop at the onset of a pup’s maturity, so between 12-36 months of age. But, despite an owner’s best efforts to stop the anxiety in its tracks, phobias and fear anxiety in dogs can still occur.

    a red-furred dog lies on a grey blanket on top of a bed covered in a floral bedspread. They're on their front and rest their chin

    What Are Dogs Scared Of?

    The most common fears and phobias dog's experience include:

    Sound phobia; so, thunder, fireworks, hair driers, hoovers etc. Herding breeds tend to be more affected by this type of phobia (e.g. Collies)

    Situational phobia; separation anxiety, for example. This is when your dog doesn’t understand that you will be coming back and experiences intense anxiety as a result. 

    Scared of strangers; dogs that have been rescued most commonly experience a fear of people they don’t know - usually men or perhaps people who wear hats or sunglasses. This is usually because they’ve had a negative experience or received abuse from someone dressed like this or from a certain sex.

    Veterinarian phobia; in a similar way to human beings developing a fear of the dentist, your dog may have a fear of going to the vet. This is because, even though the visit is in their best interest, they usually associate attending the vet with feeling unwell, being in pain, car rides and meeting strangers and this is has been perceived as a stressful, negative experience to be feared by your dog. 

    How To Calm Down A Scared Dog

    First things first; your dog is going to need you to extend your patience, kindness and consistency with helpful, ethical training. Looking after a scared dog can be frustrating and tiring, but your dog’s phobia is not their fault and you shouting at them or losing control will only make the matter worse and stress your dog out more. It may even lead them to develop another fear - of you!

    Ignoring the issue won’t help either. Phobias in dogs simply worsen with time if they’re not approached. You should always go and have a chat with your vet if you’re struggling to manage their specific phobia or simply don’t know where to begin with addressing the fear anxiety in your dog and obtain some professional advice.

    a shaggy, medium-sized black dog walks outside playfully along with a white, shaggy, long-haired white medium-sized dog. They're on a tarmac road next to a green, grassy verge scattered with brown leaves

    Then you can attempt to help out your frightened dog at home with behaviour modification training, in particular working on their obedience training. When a triggering situation is happening, be mindful not to say “good dog” to them, as this can be perceived as a reward for this behaviour, as can petting. Try simply asking your dog to “sit” or “stay” when a situation is happening and keep their focus on the task you’ve asked of them to help distract them from the trigger. This is usually more helpful with phobias where the dog is scared of a sound you can control (the hair drier or hoover) or when they’re scared of strangers. 

    Alternatively, if they’re anxious of the vet, or of fireworks or thunder, simply placing a hand on them and applying light pressure can help calm your pup down, as opposed to petting. It will help them feel like you’re in control and are going to protect them. 

    Remember, it can take several weeks to train a dog into a new behaviour, so if their phobia is of fireworks or thunder, these may not occur regularly enough to train them out of. In these cases, you may need to look at calming aids, anxiety medications or room sprays/essential oils. 

    When looking at commercial calming aids, many brand’s can make a dog drowsy or affect their personality. Look for one that doesn’t and contains research-backed ingredients, no unnecessary additives and specific targets alleviating anxiety (like ours!). Some good ingredients to look out for and consider include valerian root, ginger root powder, L-tryptophan (a natural amino acid) and organic chamomile. 

    If you’re considering anxiety medication, talk to your vet and obtain a prescription and instructions from them directly. 

    Preparation can also be a massive help when dealing with a scared dog. If you know a thunderstorm is coming or a fireworks event is taking place (like New Year’s Eve or Bonfire Night), get prepared with supporting your dog in advance. Read our blog on How To Calm A Dog From Fireworks here.


    Author Burke, Anna "Common Fears And Phobias In Dogs And How To Help Treat Them" Jul 03. 2018, American Kennel Club

    "Recognizing Abnormal Stress Response And Anxiety In Dogs" Pet Hub

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