What Different Types Of Dog Vomit Could Be Telling You!
Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes
Summary: In this blog, we learn all about the different types of dog vomit and how different textures, colours and consistencies of dog vomit could be trying to tell you something. Learn about the types of dog vomit and what they indicate below...
Dogs vomit sometimes, and it could just be down to eating something their stomach doesn’t agree with, and it passes as quickly as it comes. Or, it could be down to something far more serious…
If your dog’s vomit is a particularly vibrant colour, this can really cause alarm! But actually, dependent on the colour of the sick, this could also be nothing to worry about…
Let’s take a look at the different types of dog vomit your pooch may be producing and what to do:
Black Dog Vomit
This is usually because they’ve consumed too much mud or dirt whilst playing outside. If this is a one-off, there shouldn’t be any cause for concern. If they seem unwell, or a continuously sick, check in with their vet.
PetLab Co. Pro Tip: If the black dog vomit looks like coffee granules, if you peer closer it may actually be a very deep red. If this is the case, then they may have consumed a toxin or be displaying symptoms of a stomach ulcer and will need to see a vet as a matter of urgency.
White Dog Vomit
This is usually caused by eating a small amount of grass and their body is rejecting it. If they haven’t eaten in a while, it’s probably mostly bile with the grass. If this is a one-off, there shouldn’t be any cause for concern. If they seem unwell, or a continuously sick, check in with their vet.
However, if they’re producing white foam. This means they are most likely suffering with a gastrointestinal problem and need to see a vet immediately, as coughing up white foam is classed as an emergency.
Red Dog Vomit
If your dog is producing red vomit, this is usually because the sick contains blood. If the vomit is a fresh, bright red this could indicate inflammation or a problem with their stomach lining. If the red is dark, this could signal a stomach ulcer. When a dog vomits red, this could also be in response to ingesting a poisonous substance. Contact your vet if you spot red dog vomit immediately.
Green Dog Vomit
This usually means your pooch has consumed too much grass or that they’re just vomiting up bile. If this is a one-off, there shouldn’t be any cause for concern. If they seem unwell, or a continuously sick, check in with their vet.
Yellow Dog Vomit
This usually means your pooch has eaten something that doesn’t agree with them but the majority of the vomit is just stomach bile. If this is a one-off, there shouldn’t be any cause for concern. If they seem unwell, or a continuously sick, check in with their vet.
Frequent Dog Vomiting
If your pup is vomiting frequently for over a day, there’s a high chance that medical attention is needed. It’s possible they’ve eaten something that’s toxic to them, or they could be suffering from Gastritis.
Gastritis In Dogs
Gastritis is the inflammation of the walls of the stomach, and it can be acute (lasting for up to 24 hours) or chronic (lasting for weeks or months).
Acute gastritis can resolve itself most of the time, within 24 hours, but it can be extremely painful and uncomfortable for your poor pup! Chronic gastritis, however, can last up to a few months and may be associated with other serious health conditions.
Symptoms Of Gastritis

The clearest symptom of gastritis is frequent and severe vomiting. But there are a few other symptoms to look out for. You know your pup better than anyone, so if you notice any of these symptoms, don’t ignore them:
- Vomiting, possibly with blood or froth
- Diarrhoea
- Lethargy
- Weakness
- Dehydration or excessive thirst
- Abdominal pain (the discomfort may cause them to curve the spine)
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss or anorexia
A few of these symptoms you would only see in chronic gastritis, such as weight loss, but noticing sudden changes in mood and behaviour are key to early diagnosis of health conditions such as this.
If you’re ever concerned about your dog’s health, start making a food and behaviour diary for them, and take note of when they may have eaten something alien from a garbage can for example. It will give you and the veterinarian more of an idea of what could be wrong.
Causes Of Gastritis

Acute gastritis is usually caused by the consumption of an object or food that is toxic to your dog’s digestive system. Perhaps it’s raw or gone-off food or something that’s not digestible, such as a toy or piece of garbage. Most dogs are adventurous beings, tasting and smelling anything they come across, so it may be wise to dog-proof certain areas!
Overfeeding can also be a cause of acute gastritis, so keep control of portion size. Our furry friends don’t have the same dietary considerations that humans have, so they won’t know when they’re full. Indigestion they experience could turn into gastritis and result in severe barfing and abdominal pain. Keep bags of dog food, and any human food, out of reach if your pup is particularly sneaky.
Chronic gastritis can be caused by an array of things and can be linked to other health conditions. You’ll know your dog has chronic gastritis if the symptoms don’t fix themselves within a day.
Like acute gastritis, it can be caused by eating foreign objects, which the stomach struggles or refuses to digest. But here are a few more potential causes of Chronic Gastritis:
- Indigestible objects, including toys, some plants, mouldy food, and more
- Viral or fungal infections
- Kidney disease
- Poisoning
- Pancreatitis*
- Tumors**
*Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, which sits in the stomach. The symptoms are similar to gastritis, like vomiting, diarrhoea, and tiredness, and can be treated over time with nursing and medication.
**If you’re worried that your dog’s stomach problems could be down to a cancerous tumour, take immediate action, and bring your dog to the vet. Cancer can be fatal, and the treatment process can be traumatic for dogs, so it’s important to catch it early.
Diagnosis Of Gastritis
Seeing your pup feeling unwell can be a worrying time for any pet parent, but you need to stay calm for your dog. Panicking will do neither of you any good.
Acute gastritis usually doesn’t require medical intervention, but you will need to be very observant of your dog’s behaviour. Follow these steps if your dog has acute gastritis:
- Hold off from feeding your pal any food for 24-48 hours
- Offer them small amounts of water every now and then – but, if they can’t drink the water orally, seek medical attention immediately
- If they don’t vomit for 24 hours, offer a tiny amount of easily digestible food
- Start feeding meals of smaller portions than you would usually, and gradually build them up
- If vomiting reoccurs, take your dog to the vet!
Chronic gastritis will need medical treatment in most scenarios because there is often an underlying problem. You’ll know if it’s chronic because symptoms build up over time, which is why it’s important to take note of any behavioural changes!
The most immediate action they’ll take is usually to provide your dog with rehydration and electrolytes, to replace the hydration lost in vomit and diarrhoea. Once the vet has assessed what could be the underlying problem, they’ll do what’s necessary for that particular case.
If the cause is something environmental, such as toxic cleaning products or certain plants in the garden, remove these things immediately. If your dog is allergic to a certain type of food, ensure it’s removed from their diet. Once the vet examines your dog, they will discuss with you what action to take.
If you’re ever unsure what is wrong with your four-legged friend, take them to the veterinarian for proper testing. They’ll know how to deal with the problem and what action to take if it's needed.
Preventing Gastritis In Dogs

As pet owners, there is only so much we can do to take care of our pet’s health. It can be down to luck, but it’s also good to be cautious of potential threats to their health.
A healthy diet that contains a lot of antioxidants and protein will keep your pup strong physically and mentally, which keeps them younger for longer! Dogs don’t actually need too much carbohydrate in their diets, and it leads to weight gain, especially in older dogs. Excessive weight can be a catalyst for health issues, such as joint pain, heart failure, and kidney disease.
If you’re unsure that your dog is getting all the good nutrients they need, try incorporating a dog specific multivitamin supplement into their diet – good ones made by reputable brands can be full of vitamins that help build up your dog’s natural defences, boosts heart and organ health, as well as improving the condition of their skin and coat.
Ensuring your dog isn’t eating things that could be toxic to them is the best way to avoid gastritis and other stomach problems, as well as controlling how much and how fast they eat. Keep food out of easy reach and use portion control – don’t give in to those puppy eyes begging for more food!
How To Make A Dog Vomit
If your dog has eaten something they shouldn’t have, it is likely their body will vomit it up on its own. However, if this doesn’t happen you may have googled “How To Make A Dog Vomit” and ended up here.
Our PetLab Co. Pro Advice? Don’t try to make your dog vomit. It can be dangerous for your pup, so call your vet and let them know the situation. They’ll advise you what to do next and if necessary, can induce any required sickness at their practise which will be much safer for your dog.
Author Llera, Ryan BSc, DVM and Downing, Robin DVM, CVPP, DAAPM "Anorexia In Dogs" VCA Hospitals https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/anorexia-in-dogs