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    Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?

    Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?


    Estimated Read Time: 1 ½ minutes 

    Summary: Can dogs have grapefruit?” In this blog, we explore whether dogs can eat grapefruit and if this exotic fruit is good or bad for a dog to have... 


    Grapefruit: you’re either a fan of this sweetly sour, subtropical citrus fruit or you aren’t. Originating from Barbados (but also widely produced in the United States, China, Mexico and Vietnam), it’s actually an accidental cross-fruit of the orange and the pomelo. 

    Many people enjoy this tangy fruit at breakfast, as a garnish in their drink, or include it in salads. It’s considered a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. But can our canine friends enjoy a bite of grapefruit or two with us...? 

    Can Dogs Have Grapefruit? 

    Most dogs can eat a very small amount of grapefruit flesh, but it’s not recommended. Citrus fruits can be very irritating to a dog’s digestive tract and cause gastrointestinal distress like loose stools and vomiting  

    While the flesh of the fruit is technically not toxic for a dog to eat, there are more beneficial fruits out there that go easier on their tummies, like blueberries or bananas.

    An extreme close-up of a single slice of grapefruit resting on its skin on a white surface

    A small nibble on a piece of grapefruit flesh shouldn’t hurt your dog, but a piece of rind or the skin of the fruit can. That’s because this part of the fruit is toxic to dogs. If your dog does get hold of grapefruit skin and swallows it, contact your vet as a matter of urgency.


    Author Lowrey, Sassafras CTDI “Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?” American Kennel Club, Dec 08. 2022  

    “Grapefruit” Wikipedia  

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